Sunday, June 15, 2008

Still Waiting!

Well it seems as though the snow in May never does stay.

Unfortunately 7th June opening for CP came and went but they didn't get open due to a nasty windstorm. They did manage to get open on the Sun 8th and thousands flocked to see the new base area structure and enjoy what snow hadn't been ripped away by the howling winds - most seemed to have a great time even while lining up at the lift with one of the new snow making cannons letting loose at the people waiting to ride. Temperatures were not particularly conducive for making snow for the rest of the week so the cannons didn't see much action. Then the dreaded R word happened- it started raining on Wednesday night, very warm rain and CP was awash. Thursday dawned clear and unseasonally warm and with the damage to what had been a pretty good base apparent for all to see. CP made the right and probably only decision to stay closed for the day. More warm rain fell on Thursday and Friday nights (both days were clear but warm)and the snow continued to wash away. CP is still closed now for (5 consecutive days in a row). With the freezing temperature at 3000m today it is not likley they will get open for tomorrow (Tuesday) either. It must be frustrating having a 30+ million dollar development sitting there ---- closed. I have seen it far worse still at this same time of year. The good news is the freezing level does look like it should drop later on Tuesday so I am sure that CP are keen to show off what is meant to be the most technologically advanced and largest snow making system in the world. When it does get a chance to swing into action I am sure that we will see CP do it's chameleon impression and be looking fantastic in the blink of an eye.

With global warming, fuel prices, power prices, food prices (in fact you name it)all having a major impact on the world we live in, I want to thank the owners for having the outright balls to spend that kind of money on a re-development in a time of such uncertainty. I am sure that I will see the benefits of it in Queenstown for a long time to come - if it gets cold!

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